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Celebrando Fornés

The Summer in Gossensass

María Irene Fornés

Calarts, Coffeehouse Theater

   December 2019​

Calarts' celebration of María Fornés began with a dramatic retelling of the first London production of Ibsen's Hedda Gabbler, with Fornés's imagined theatrical personalities running about an English drawing room.

The lighting built with the characters' energy as they strove to understand Hedda, theatre, and their own desire to perform.

Zoe Aja Moore​

Nic Prior

Mengquing Yuan

Ry Burke

Bo Li

Selena Jin

Hao Feng


Asst. Director

Set Designer

Lighting Designer

Sound Designer

Costume Designer


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before the new play is announced...

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Hedda Gabbler is coming to London!

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A fight over the script


Actress attempts to read closing night speech, but the weight of the play's history overpowers her

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